It is quite natural and common for any women to experience different problems during pregnancy. Some problems may be easy to bear with like yellow mucus discharge (no odor), or otherwise enjoy for the welfare of the dream-baby in the uterus. Many of the problems during pregnancy are common to occur to all pregnant women. There is nothing to worry anyway unless it is a serious thing connected to your health. The following Common health problems during pregnancy:


A headache commonly occurs during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. You get a dull headache in the entire head with or without the pain at the backside of the neck. The exact reason for these headaches is unknown. Lack of proper night sleep, dehydration, stress, fatigue, sinus congestion or eyestrain might also lead to headaches during pregnancy.

 Abdominal pain

From second trimester onwards, you might feel a stretching pain in the lower abdomen. The pain might be brief but sharp or might be dull and long lasting. This pain occurs because of stretching and thickening of ligaments and muscles supporting your uterus to the house and hold the new girth of the uterus. Abdominal pain might also occur because of constipation and gas and bloat.

 Sleeping problems

womanWomen invariably get insomnia during pregnancy. This probably occurs because of discomforts due to the frequent need to urinate, headache, backache, or anxiousness and excitement about new baby’s arrival. The best position is to sleep on your left side because it allows a better flow of v and blood to your baby through the placenta. In this position, your kidneys also can eliminate waste and fluids more efficiently reducing the swelling in your hands and feet. Sleeping on the back may increase a backache, impair your digestion, blood circulation, and your breathing. In 2nd and 3rd trimester, it may also affect your blood pressure.

 Changes in skin color

During pregnancy, some women get a brown or yellowing patch over nose and cheeks and around the eyes. These are called ‘chloasma or melisma.’ They can occur on other body parts as well.


-Avoid going out in the sun. Sunlight further increases melanin formation. Use sun block containing SPF 15.

-Do not bleach your skin to get rid of pigmentation instead use makeup to conceal.


A backache occurs because of many reasons. Your ligaments that join pelvic bones to the spine are made loose to facilitate childbirth causing pain when you stand, walk or sit for a long time. Increasing size of the uterus also puts a strain on your back. Finally, since your muscles have to carry extra weight, they have to do extra work that makes them exhausted and hence painful.


1-Sit on a chair, which has good support for your back. woman

2-Bend your knees, instead to back

3-Do does not lift heavy objects.